About Dongyuan Toy

As a professional plastic toy manufacturer, We are committed to providing the best product experience, from design to production, paying attention to every detail to ensure that every product meets the highest quality standards.

Our company and all of our products are certified according to the leading International Safety Standards, such as: ICTI, ISO9001and others.

IMG 8696

Factory Whorkshop

Custom Solutions
Provide customized plastic toy product solutions for corporate customers to meet their specific color and material of packaging and appearance. We are passionate about customer service and making sure our products provide great entertainment for all.
Our Strategy
Based on general and customized plastic toys, we continue with conducting in-depth research and development on the renewable resources and organic materials and investing in the development of compatible products and technologies.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
As part of our commitment to customer satisfaction, if there is anything with your order that didn't satisfy you 100%, we’ll do our best for you to put things right.
Our Brands
Our mission is to design, manufacture and sell high-quality plastic toys at affordable prices to customers all over the world.
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