Yes, we are happy to make products with your designs.

Yes, we can add your logo / brand on products, packages, etc.

Yes, we are very willing to make products according to your samples.

Yes, we can provide free sample of products with our logo or in neutral package, but freight will be collected.

Samples in customized design or with customized logo need to be paid.

We charge a small fee to create a sample prototype toy for your approval.

Sample fees vary according to the size, type of toy, and number of sample designs you are having made.

Prototypes for plastic, vinyl, or resin figures typically cost $300 or more. 

If you decide to place an order for manufacturing, this sample fee is applied toward the costs of your order, less the sample shipping costs.

Initial quotes are based on your design and information given to us about your toy.

These quotes tend to be very close to the final cost, 
however due to the nature of the manufacturing process, a confirmed quote must be given once the sample prototype is finished and approved by you.

The confirmed quote will be guaranteed for a set period of time, usually at least 30 days.

Shipping costs also tend to fluctuate with changes in the global shipping market,  so final shipping costs are also quoted for a set period of time.

Typical production times we use are 30-45 days after design approval.

Manufacturing times can also vary according to quantities and complexity of the toy, as well as the workload at the workshop.

We will give you the most accurate estimate once the sample is completed to your approval and you are ready to begin production. 

We take the safety of the toys we make for you very seriously and we guarantee that all toys will meet or exceed all current international safety standards to the age range you specify. 

Our products can meet safety testing to the latest ASTM 963 toy standards, EN71 1.2.3 -- or whichever testing standard you require for your country. 

Yes! We can guide you in design decisions for toys for younger children and put the toys through the appropriate tests for certification.

Initially, photos of the prototype from multiple angles are e-mailed to you for comments. 

We will modify the prototypes until they look right in photos and then the physical sample is sent to you for final approval prior to beginning production. 

The sample fee includes all necessary revisions and shipping costs.

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